
the cold water is always so warm

and it takes more than a minute
to register the command:
"cold, drinkable water now, dammit!"

expectations are not always so accommodating
to instantaneous need

even after years, or just a few weeks
we are still waiting
for the right response
("right" of course being the demand of intent
we attempted to create)

...influence only goes so far...

hiccups are oh-so-symbolic
if you want them to be


a time for the new?

i was thinking about starting up a new blog space, a new manila folder to contain writings of a different kind, a new space to carve out in my mind, an online portal into a separate section of thought.

this has nothing to do with the new year.

to quote a band that i referred to in an email to friends last year upon the changing of the calendar..."so this is the new year/and i don't feel any different."

that does not apply in this situation. a new year, with all of its culturally imbued metaphors of change, growth, and progress, can certainly begin at any time. i prefer to make my "resolutions" well in advance of any particular time change. besides, my "new life," or whatever, began a long time ago. fuck forget january first. the conventional symbolism of that day, like many named holidays, is just another day to colonize with commercial messages and PR campaigns. pessimistic? sure, why not. i'm a big fan of the alice in wonderland tea party song that goes something like, "a very merry un-birthday to you, to you..."

funny, those Washington Sports Club ads with the "desperate" RESOLVE text and imagery, nevermind the sad appropriation of tracy chapman's from-the-pit-of-heart-and-head anthem...

if you're going to do it, do it. the word "try" should not be a part of anyone's vocabulary.

and about that other blog...it may be in the not-so-collected works.