
Love in the time of...

"Most people deceive themselves with a pair of faiths:
they believe in eternal memory
(of people, things, deeds, nations)
and in redressibility
(of deeds, mistakes, sins, wrongs).
Both are false faiths.
In reality the opposite is true:
everything will be forgotten
and nothing will be redressed."

-Milan Kundera

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I just stumbled upon your website today and am just beginning to explore your art. I wanted to know if there was anywhere online that I could go to watch your movie "How We Learn to Love Vol. I, 2008"? Or if you could maybe email me something so that I could view it? Please let me know. I am currently in grad school for studio art (MFA at University of Central Florida) and trying to immerse myself in any and all art I can find.